I recently wrote a review of a great many of their sunglasses here. In fact,I have had more than a few people mention I seem to always have sunglasses on. Granted, I am not Jack Nicholson cool enough to wear sunglasses indoors but I do indeed find myself covering my eyes as much as possible. I remember when I failed my first eye exam. Hated it. Felt like I was a failure. Like my eyes were imperfect and there was nothing I could do about it. Well, lo and behold ways to fix your eyes came around and in 2005 I got LASIK.
First off, I can't believe it has been 8.5 years since I got the surgery. That is just weird. Second, when people asked me if I could tell the difference the most important thing I could tell them was I could see the clock when I woke up in the middle of the night. Second, opening my eyes in a ppool and not losing a contact was a wonderful thing to do as well.
What does this have to with Julbo? Well, with vision corrected to 20/10 I protect my eyes as much as I can. I don't wear sunscreen as much as I should and my diet could be a little better (lean beef is about my only saving graces some times) but I will be darned if I am not going to do what I can to keep my peepers protected. And if they are stylishly protected, well then that is even better.

But stand in line and don't shove.